Το βράδυ της Κυριακής, η Βρετανική Ακαδημία Κινηματογράφου και Τηλεόρασης απένειμε τα βραβεία BAFTA για το έτος 2012. Η ταινία “Argo” κέρδισε τα βραβεία “Best Film” και “Best Director” ενώ στα βραβεία ερμηνειών διακρίθηκαν οι Daniel Day-Lewis, Emmanuelle Riva, Christolph Waltz και η Anne Hathaway.
Και οι νικητές είναι:
Best Film
Best Director
Ben Affleck, “Argo”
Best Actor
Daniel Day-Lewis, “Lincoln”
Best Actress
Emmanuelle Riva, “Amour”
Best Supporting Actor
Christoph Waltz, “Django Unchained”
Best Supporting Actress
Anne Hathaway, “Les Misérables”
Best Original Screenplay
“Django Unchained”
Best Adapted Screenplay
“Silver Linings Playbook”
Best British Film
Best Film Not in the English Language
Best Animated Film
Best Documentary
“Searching for Sugar Man”
Best Editing
William Goldenberg, “Argo”
Best Costume Design
Jacqueline Durran, “Anna Karenina”
Best Cinematography
Claudio Miranda, “Life of Pi”
Best Original Music
Thomas Newman, “Skyfall”
Best Make-Up & Hair
Lisa Wescott, “Les Misérables”
Best Visual Effects
Bill Westenhofer, Guillaume Rocheron, Erik-Jan De Boer, Donald R. Elliott, “Life of Pi”
Best Production Design
Eve Stewart, Anna Lynch-Robinson, “Les Misérables”
Best Sound
Simon Hayes, Andy Nelson, Mark Paterson, Jonathan Allen, Lee Walpole, John Warhurst, “Les Misérables”
Best British Debut
Bart Layton and Dimitri Doganis, “The Imposter”
Orange Rising Star Award
“Juno Temple”
Best Animated Short
“The Making of Longbird”
Best Live-Action Short